Wednesday, 26 June 2013

SQL Server Performance Objects

Following objects can be used to monitor the performance of SQL Server.
Object Purpose
SQLServer:Databases To provide SQL Server database information. There can be more than one instance of this object.
SQLServer: Workload Group Stats To provide Resource Governor workload group statistics.
SQLServer: Wait Statistics To provide wait information.
SQLServer:SQL Errors To provide SQL Server error information.
SQLServer:SQL Statistics To provide Transact-SQL query information.
SQLServer:Memory Manager To provide SQL Server memory usage information.
SQLServer:Latches To provide details of the latches on internal resources that are used by SQL Server.
SQLServer:Locks To provide details about individual lock requests made by SQL Server. There can be more than one instance of this object.
SQLServer:General Statistics To provide general server-wide activity information.
SQLServer:Exec Statistics To provide execution statistics information.
SQLServer: Resource Pool Stats To provide Resource Governor resource pool statistics.
SQLServer:User Settable To perform custom monitoring.
SQLServer:Transactions To provide detailed information about the active transactions in SQL Server.
SQLServer:Plan Cache To provide SQL Server cache information for objects such as query plans, and triggers.
SQL Server:HADR Availability Replica To provide details of SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups availability replicas.
SQL Server:HADR Database Replica To provide details of SQL ServerAlwaysOn Availability Groups database replicas.
SQL Server:Deprecated Features To record the amount of usage of a deprecated feature.
SQLServer:Database Mirroring To provide database mirroring information.
SQLServer:CLR To provide common language runtime, or CLR, information.
SQL Server:Buffer Node To display statistics for the frequency of SQL Server requests and accesses to free pages.
SQLServer:Buffer Manager To provide information about the memory buffers used by SQL Server.
SQLServer:Backup Device To produce information on the devices used to perform backup and restore operations.
SQLServer:Access Methods To search through SQL Server database objects to measure the allocation of these objects.
SQLServer:Cursor Manager Total To provide cursor information.
SQLServer:Cursor Manager by Type To record cursor information.